Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Preview night -2-

Preview Nights @ The Locomotive

The next event is on Sunday the 13th of May

The 2nd Strawberry Fair Film Festival Preview Night @ The Locomotive - 7pm Sunday the 13th of May - £4/£3

The 2nd Strawberry Fair Film Festival Preview Night

The 2nd Strawberry Fair Film Festival Preview Night is set for Sunday the 13th of May at The Locomotive. The screening begins at 7pm. Entrance is £4/£3 with all funds going to the film festival.

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product 1
Sample DVD

To create a shelf item, you create a div with a class of “simpleCart_shelfItem”.

$14.99 Add to Cart http://i604.photobucket.com/albums/tt130/metalner/simplexshop/attack-release.png
product 2
Sample DVD 2

Any field you want for your item can be set by creating a tag with a class of “item_[field-name]”

$22.99 Add to Cart http://i604.photobucket.com/albums/tt130/metalner/simplexshop/evil-empire.png
product 3
Sample Game

To create the add to cart button create a tag with the class “item_quantity”.

$59.99 Add to Cart http://i604.photobucket.com/albums/tt130/metalner/simplexshop/the-incredibles.png
product 4
Sample CD

If can display info about the cart anywhere on your page.

$8.99 Add to Cart http://i604.photobucket.com/albums/tt130/metalner/simplexshop/wolverine-3.png
product 5
Sample CD 2

A class of simpleCart_total, will display the cart total value.

$8.97 Add to Cart http://i604.photobucket.com/albums/tt130/metalner/simplexshop/ghostbusters.png
Total: $43.47
Empty Cart Checkout